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Mestic Best Chef MB-300 | Campingaz Party Grill 600 | Campingaz Attitude 2go CV (blk) | Campingaz Attitude 2go (blk) (INT) | Outwell Corte Gas Grill | Campingaz Tour and Grill S | Brunner Devil BBQruiser LT 50 | Mestic Mini Chef MB-100 | Meva Piknik | |
Mestic Best Chef MB-300
Skladem |
Campingaz Party Grill 600
Poslední kus |
Campingaz Attitude 2go CV (blk)
Skladem |
Campingaz Attitude 2go (blk) (INT)
Poslední kus |
Outwell Corte Gas Grill
Skladem |
Campingaz Tour and Grill S
Poslední kus |
Brunner Devil BBQruiser LT 50
Poslední kus |
Mestic Mini Chef MB-100
Skladem |
Meva Piknik
Skladem |
Cena | Best Chef MB-300: 8 149 Kč | Party Grill 600: 5 699 Kč | Attitude 2go CV (blk): 5 599 Kč | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): 5 599 Kč | Corte Gas Grill: 5 069 Kč | Tour and Grill S: 4 699 Kč |
Devil BBQruiser LT 50:
Mini Chef MB-100: 4 259 Kč |
Dostupnost | Skladem | Poslední kus | Skladem | Poslední kus | Skladem | Poslední kus | Poslední kus | Skladem | Skladem |
Značka | Best Chef MB-300: Mestic | Party Grill 600: Campingaz | Attitude 2go CV (blk): Campingaz | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): Campingaz | Corte Gas Grill: Outwell | Tour and Grill S: Campingaz | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: Brunner | Mini Chef MB-100: Mestic | Piknik: Meva |
Hmotnost | Best Chef MB-300: 9,9 kg | Party Grill 600: 10,72 kg | Attitude 2go CV (blk): 13 kg | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): 13 kg | Corte Gas Grill: 7,56 kg | Tour and Grill S: 10 kg | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: 10,5 kg | Mini Chef MB-100: 7,6 kg | Piknik: 9,3 kg |
Materiál grilu | Best Chef MB-300: ocel | Party Grill 600: nerezová ocel | Attitude 2go CV (blk): litina | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): litina | Corte Gas Grill: chromované železo | Tour and Grill S: ocel | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: hliník | Mini Chef MB-100: ocel | Piknik: ocel |
Piezo | Best Chef MB-300: | Party Grill 600: | Attitude 2go CV (blk): | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: | Mini Chef MB-100: | Piknik: |
Barva | Best Chef MB-300: černá | Party Grill 600: modrá | Attitude 2go CV (blk): černá | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): černá | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: modrá | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: černá/šedá | Mini Chef MB-100: černá | Piknik: žlutá |
Rozměry | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: Ø 52 x 99 cm | Attitude 2go CV (blk): 59 x 52 x 36 cm | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): 59 x 52 x 36 cm | Corte Gas Grill: 94 x 42 x 41 cm | Tour and Grill S: 59 x 52 x 103 cm | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: 47 x 43 cm | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: 42,5 x 33,5 x 27,0 cm |
Výkon vařiče | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: 4000 W | Attitude 2go CV (blk): - | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): - | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: - | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: - | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: - |
Spotřeba | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: 290 g/h | Attitude 2go CV (blk): 182 g/h | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): 182 g/h | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: 175 g/h | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: 290 g/h | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: 182 g/h |
Výkon | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: 4000 W | Attitude 2go CV (blk): 2500 W | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): 2500 W | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: 2400 W | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: 4000 W | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: 2500 W |
Piezo zapalování | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: Ano | Attitude 2go CV (blk): - | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): - | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: - | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: - | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: - |
Počet plotýnek | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: 1 | Attitude 2go CV (blk): - | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): - | Corte Gas Grill: - | Tour and Grill S: - | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: - | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: - |
Kód produktu | Best Chef MB-300: - | Party Grill 600: - | Attitude 2go CV (blk): - | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT): - | Corte Gas Grill: 76027152 | Tour and Grill S: - | Devil BBQruiser LT 50: - | Mini Chef MB-100: - | Piknik: 76028823 |
Best Chef MB-300 | Party Grill 600 | Attitude 2go CV (blk) | Attitude 2go (blk) (INT) | Corte Gas Grill | Tour and Grill S | Devil BBQruiser LT 50 | Mini Chef MB-100 | Piknik |